The Most Powerful Free AI Detector
Detect AI, Anywhere
The best way to detect AI writing within any piece of text.
AI Detector
Detect AI in your content for free.
AI Humanizer
Make your AI written text undetectable.
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Detection Score
Rates how easy the text is to read on a scale from 0 to 100 — higher scores mean easier reading.
Grade Level
Indicates the U.S. school grade level needed to understand the text — higher education levels mean more complex reading.
The Most Advanced AI Detector
Take advantage of our cutting edge features to leave no stone unturned.
Revolutionary Features
99% Accuracy
On ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Claude Opus, Meta LLaMa, and more.
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Utilize AIDetect to check their content for AI writing.
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Hundreds of Businesses
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Detects ChatGPT
Detects Meta LLaMa
![Detects Mistral AI](/_next/image?url=%2Fmistral.png&w=256&q=75)
![Detects Google Gemini](/_next/image?url=%2Fgemini.png&w=1920&q=75)
Ready to get started Detecting AI?
Never doubt whether your content was written by a human or an AI again.